How it all started
We started seeing a common pattern in our lives and the lives of those around us. What we saw were lifestyles that were often hectic and full of stress. It’s almost as if we had lost the ability to slow things down, take a deep breath and to appreciate the moment that we were living in. It quickly dawned on us that this was not a healthy way to live. We felt like we needed to take back control of our lives, to appreciate the things around us, and to connect again with nature.
Products inspired by ancient traditions to nourish your body & soul
We realized we needed to find people who were already living that kind of a lifestyle and get inspiration and wisdom from them. Our research led us to interesting and unusual parts of the world. We learned about the wonderful cultures and traditions of the people we met. Many of them had a profound understanding of meditation and living in tune with nature. However, we quickly realized there was a lot of ancient wisdom that had been lost to many of us in the West. Interestingly, much of this knowledge had been passed down for many generations and up to the present day through the use of stories, rituals and unique products.
We discovered these products from artisans from the mountains of Tibet all the way to the depths of the Amazon forest. There was something local and special in every place we visited. It’s time to share with you what we found. We want to help add that specialness back into your life. Our hope is that you will appreciate each item and feel a connection to the place and the people that produced it, just as much as we do. And by taking the time to slow down and have more appreciation in your daily life, we hope that you will feel a closer connection to nature.